
Report for the new users who downloaded your data


New endpoint available: GetLeadsReport


This API provides the report related to the new users who downloaded the data from your catalog during a period of time.


This web service requires an API Key. Please use the form to request your API Key.


The API returns a export file, available in a ZIP file, from TraceParts Analytics. Each user who never downloaded a CAD file or who never opened a document, before the defined period of time, through the TraceParts Publishing Network is returned in the file. The information related to the user is directly displayed in the export file. The information which categorizes the user is available with a second web service.

Building a URL

The NewUsersReport API request takes the following form:


Certain parameters are required while others are optional. As it is standard in URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. The list of parameters and their possible values are enumerated below.

Required parameters

Parameter NameData typeDefault valueDescription
ApiKeystringnoneCode calling an API to track and control how the API is used
FormatstringnoneAnswer file type (xml, json or csv)
ExportFormatstringnoneExport file type (xml, json or csv) returned in the zip file
DateStartstringnoneStart date on format DD/MM/YYYY
DateStopstringnoneStop date on format DD/MM/YYYY (day excluded in the date range)

Optional parameters

Parameter NameData typeDefault valueDescription
ActiveJsonLightboolean0Enables the light version when json is the answer file type
JobIDstringnoneTo use for the calls following the first call, to know the status of the request and to access the path to the export file
httpsboolean0URL returned in the answer will use the https protocol

Example of NewUsersReport API

The request below returns the information related to the new users in June 2016, as a CSV file.{ApiKey}&https=1

NewUsersReport responses

NewUsersReport responses are returned in the format indicated by the Format parameter within the URL request’s path.

JSON Output

A sample HTTP request is shown below, displaying a report ready to download.


XML Output

Same example as above.


NewUsersReport response elements

NewUsersReport responses contain three elements:

  • “JobId”: ID of your request as described before in the list of parameters.
  • “State”: “WORKING” when the asynchronous task is running to extract the data. “COMPLETE” when the export is ready and the file is ready to download.
  • “FilePath”: path where the export file is stored and ready to download.

Content of the report

FieldData typeDescription
UserEmailstringUser’s email address
DatestringRequest date
f_CivilitystringID of the Civility value. Please use the FormsData web service to collect the list of values.
NamestringUser’s last name
FirstNamestringUser’s first name
CompanystringUser’s company
f_CompanySizestringID of the CompanySize value. Please use the FormsData web service to collect the list of values.
f_ActivitystringID of the Activity value. Please use the FormsData web service to collect the list of values.
f_ServicestringID of the Service value. Please use the FormsData web service to collect the list of values.
f_JobstringID of the Job value. Please use the FormsData web service to collect the list of values.
PhonestringUser’s phone number
Address1stringField #1 of the user’s postal address
Address2stringField #2 of the user’s postal address
Address3stringField #3 of the user’s postal address
CitystringUser’s city
ZipCodestringUser’s zip code
f_CountrystringUser’s country following the ISO 3166 standard
LanguagestringLanguageID given by the LanguagesList API
OriginstringID of the website of the TraceParts Publishing Network
PartnersMailsstringThe value is “no” when the user does not consent to receive information by email from TraceParts’s partners

Developer support

Please contact us for any problem, question or comment related to this content integration.

Last updated March 14, 2018