
Download a CAD file


New endpoints available: cadRequest and cadFileUrl


This API provides a CAD file (or several, depending on the CAD format and the type of product).


This web service requires an API Key. Please use the form to request your API Key.


The API returns one or several CAD files depending on the CAD format and the type of product. It also provides all files in one single zip file.

Building a URL

The DownloadCADPath API request takes the following form:


Certain parameters are required while others are optional. As it is standard in URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. The list of parameters and their possible values are enumerated below.

Required parameters

Parameter NameData typeDefault valueDescription
ApiKeystringnoneCode calling an API to track and control how the API is used
UserEmailstringnoneUser email of a registred TraceParts account
FormatstringnoneAnswer file type (xml, json)
PartID*stringnonePartID given by the SynchronizationData API
ClassificationID**stringnoneClassificationId given by the CatalogsList API
PartNumber**stringnonePart Number as it is exactly written in the TraceParts database
LanguagestringenLanguageID given by the LanguagesList API
CADFormatIDintegernoneCADFormatID given by the CADFormatsList API
Versioninteger1Version of the answer

Optional parameters

Parameter NameData typeDefault valueDescription
ActiveJsonLightboolean0Enables the light version when json is the answer file type
SelectionPath*stringnoneSelectionPath given by the SynchronizationData API
Asynchronousboolean0Requests for a CAD file and checks if the CAD file is ready with the JobID parameter
JobIDstringnoneChecks if the CAD file creation, requested with the asynchronous parameter, is done
NoTXTFileboolean0Removes the .txt file which contains the Bill Of Materials
httpsboolean0URL returned in the answer will use the https protocol

*Both parameters (PartID and SelectionPath) have to be used together. In this case, the couple “ClassificationID” and “PartNumber” is not to use.
** Both parameters (ClassificationID and PartNumber) have to be used together. In this case, the couple “PartID” and “SelectionPath” is not to use.

Example of DownloadCADPath API

The request below returns the CAD files for the part number 43900011 from the catalog ASCO Numatics in Autodesk Inventor CAD format.

PartID and SelectionPath:[email protected]&PartID=10-17102002-114249&SelectionPath=1|1|1|1|=0|&CADFormatId=9&Language=en&Format=xml&ApiKey={ApiKey}&https=1&Version=2

PartNumber and ClassificationID:[email protected]&PartNumber=43900011&ClassificationID=ASCO_JOUCOMATIC&CADFormatId=9&Language=en&Format=xml&ApiKey={ApiKey}&https=1&Version=2

By adding the Asynchronous parameter, DownloadCADPath returns a JobID (here, in Json file):[email protected]&PartID=10-17102002-114249&SelectionPath=1|1|1|1|=0|&CADFormatId=9&Language=en&Format=json&Asynchronous=1&ApiKey={ApiKey}&https=1&Version=2

By using the asynchronous mode, you can check and have the path to the CAD file by using the JobID:[email protected]&PartID=10-17102002-114249&SelectionPath=1|1|1|1|=0|&CADFormatId=9&Language=en&Format=json&Asynchronous=1&ApiKey={ApiKey}&https=1&Version=2&JobID=43488246

DownloadCADPath responses

DownloadCADPath responses are returned in the format indicated by the Format parameter within the URL request’s path.

JSON Output

The HTTP request is shown below, displaying the CAD files.

"globalInfo": {
"jobId": "43488976",
"downloadable": "True",
"error": "False"
"filesPath": [
"type": "Archive",
"path": ""
"type": "PrimaryCADFile",
"path": ""
"type": "BOMFields",
"path": ""

XML Output

Same example as above.


DownloadCADPath response elements

DownloadCADPath responses contain five elements:

  • “JobID”: ID of your request as described before in the list of parameters.
  • “Downloadable”: if the returned value is “False”, the CAD file is not yet ready. If the returned value is “True”, the CAD file is ready and the path is given in the next elements.
  • “Error”: if the value is “True”, an error occured during the creation of the file for many reasons. The TraceParts team will be aware about this error.
  • “Type”: it can take 5 values. “Archive” or “URL” for the zip file containing all CAD files.
    The following types depend on the settings of your API key. They are not available by default: “PrimaryCADFile” for the main CAD file. “SecondaryCADFile” for the sub CAD files (optional). “BOMFields” for the txt file which contains the BOM attributes (optional with the “NoTXTFile” parameter).
  • “Path”: it is the URL for the file. The file is stored on the server for 6 hours. It must not be HTML encoded.

Developer support

Please contact us for any problem, question or comment related to this content integration.

Last updated November 8, 2021