TraceParts 门户网站上发布组件模型有助于法国制造商 COVAL 达成发展战略。

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25 年来,法国公司 COVAL 一直致力于设计和制造真空搬运系统组件。真空搬运系统广泛应用于汽车、食品、航空和包装行业。其原理是利用一个或多个吸盘吸起金属片、纸片、成品或食品等物体,然后将其从一个工作站转移到另一个工作站,或放入包装。


正因为此,COVAL 对自身的定位不只是制造和供应各种搬运系统组件(包括真空发生器、吸盘和配件、配电盘、真空压力控制器及其他连接器等),而是也会为客户(机器人制造商、专业机械制造商等)提供指导,包括确定项目规格、寻找合适的设备及建立理想的真空回路。

COVAL 甚至设有一个测试实验室来对自己的工艺和工程部门进行验证。为保证质量,COVAL 的几乎所有组件都是自己生产的,然后进行销售和集成。在 2010 年 6 月举行的欧洲机电一体化会议上,COVAL 荣获可持续发展奖。

自 2003 年以来,COVAL 始终专注于创新和开拓国际市场。如今,公司 30% 的产品都通过其在美国、巴西、西班牙、意大利和德国的子公司及全球分销网络对外出口。

2,500 3D 组件

Coval Modular venturi vacuum pumps

Over the years, COVAL has received an increasing number of demands from its customers for CAD models. Stéphane Garcia, Chief Marketing Officer, explains:

« We obviously wanted to satisfy their demands, but even though we design our own products using 3D CAD software, our technical departments were spending too much time responding to their requirements, especially due to the need to simplify our models in order to protect our expertise. In addition, so many different types of CAD formats were asked for, that we were often unable to give customers exactly what they wanted ».

In 2007, COVAL called on TraceParts to create and upload all the 3D models in its product catalog. « One of the initial reasons for choosing TraceParts was that its libraries were used by our largest customers, especially in the aeronautical industry, » adds Stéphane Garcia. « This reassured us about the company’s long-term prospects and, knowing what our manufacturers want, about the quality of its services. This was the first positive point, but we were also looking to develop our subsidiaries abroad, so we needed a global provider capable of offering the models in our range across the world and in several languages. »

COVAL, Manufacturer of components and systems for vacuum handling

COVAL therefore entrusted all its CAD models to TraceParts to create its component library available in the different CAD formats and standards on the market via the website and the portal.

« We had no trouble at all in integrating the models, and the same applies to the regular updates to our range » advises Stéphane Garcia. « You can tell that the TraceParts teams are used to working with manufacturers and are familiar with their core business or at least their constraints and demands for quality and fast action ».

支持 COVAL 的发展战略

在 COVAL 组件的下载量中,通过 TraceParts 门户网站下载的比率越来越高,占所有用户访问量的 35%,如果不包括法国,这个数字还要更高。Stéphane Garcia 对此非常满意:

“我们的法国客户已经养成了从我们网站下载 3D 模型的习惯。整个过程非常合理,也是对制造商最初所提需求的圆满回应。我们工程部门因此卸下了提供 CAD 文件的重担。随着我们的业务扩大到法国以外地区,在 TraceParts 的国际门户上发布我们的模型库及产品对我们来说是一大优势。这有助于我们的战略部署以及我们海外子公司的成功。”

COVAL 会定期开发新产品,并由 TraceParts 收录入库。COVAL 还计划利用 TraceParts 的营销工具与制造商进行通讯,从而充分利用其在国际工业领域的影响力。

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