“Service quality is very good. The team is very professional, and the materials provided are excellent. The newsletters and email blasts were of the highest quality.”
What made you decide to look into Online Marketing Services?
The pandemic eliminated trade shows, so this was a major factor. Also as a young company we were looking to grow our online presence.
What objectives do you want to achieve with your marketing projects?
Two main objectives – build brand recognition and generate quality leads.
What finally made you choose TraceParts? Which factor swung the balance?
Reaching engineers where they go to download models seemed like a natural fit with our marketing objectives. We were already working with SnapEDA and were getting good results, so expanding to TraceParts made perfect sense.
Could you quickly describe the projects you have worked on with us and the timeframe involved?
Starting in April 2021, we have done several projects with TraceParts including email blasts, newsletter ads and banner ads. I estimate we’ve done about 10 projects to date.
How would you rate the quality of the services provided by TraceParts?
Service quality is very good. The team is very professional, and the materials provided are excellent. The newsletters and email blasts were of the highest quality.
What kind of results have you obtained on your projects with TraceParts?
We’ve had over 1200 clicks on our Ads and/or CTAs through the various mediums. Some actions were to download white papers, while others were to request samples or enter giveaways.
Would you recommend TraceParts and our services to other companies?
Yes, especially for companies that make electromechanical components.
Anthony Gioeli, Vice President of Marketing at Superior Sensor Technology