“We’ve found TraceParts to be extremely professional. TraceParts can definitely be a valuable partner if the product being offered is tailored to the target group.”
What made you consider online marketing services?
Our objective for 2020 was to extend our marketing campaign on the Italian market to other CAD sectors. The visitors that TraceParts targets are different than the sectors previously dealt with. This is why we thought about offering our services via this partner.
What objectives do you want to achieve with your marketing projects?
Our objective is to publicize our ZWCad and ZW3D CAD products and have them tested. Our basic assumption is that if users can rate or try out an alternative to the CAD product they normally use, they can gain both technical and financial benefits from this. What we are offering can definitely provide a solution to the usual problems that are reported to us every day by CAD users.
What finally convinced you to choose TraceParts? What was the clincher?
We opted for TraceParts because of the flexible nature of the various marketing proposals.
Can you quickly describe the projects you have worked on with us and their duration?
We have sponsored our ZWCad CAD product with some newsletters, proceeding with the target’s segmentation criteria that were proposed to us and met our requirements.
How would you rate the quality of the services provided by TraceParts?
We feel that we are being offered good-quality services. We still have to assess fully the financial return from this, given the recent investment.
Would you recommend TraceParts and our services to other companies?
Yes. We’ve found TraceParts to be extremely professional. TraceParts can definitely be a valuable partner if the product being offered is tailored to the target group.
Wetech System
Via Brigata Granatieri di Sardegna 20/E int.26, 36061 Bassano del Grappa VI, Italy