
Component manufacturers: three ways to generate leads through your website

To optimize your performance, you have decided to publish your component catalogs online in order to generate leads via the Internet. Are the results not as good as you expected? Below are three ideas to help you generate leads through your website as a component manufacturer.


1. Improve your natural referencing

This is an important initial point.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for generating leads through your website.

To improve your natural SEO, you must write content that is optimized for the web and that is specifically aimed at your prospects.

In other words, industrial buyers must feel you provide added value when they read your publications.

Your publications must be suited to search engines.

If Google considers that your content does not meet its quality standards, you will never be well positioned and therefore never visited by prospects.

To generate leads through your website, you have to improve your natural referencing (SEO) to appear on search engines.

This step takes time but leads to very good results in the long term.

Component manufacturers: How can you generate more qualified leads? Download the guide now!


2. Provide assistance to your visitors

The first step is ok. Visitors are on your site thanks to your good search engine optimization. So, what happens now?

If your answer is “nothing” or “not much”, the few lines that follow will certainly be of interest to you.

To generate leads through your website, you should not let your visitors leave too quickly.

In many cases, component manufacturers allow visitors to download the technical data of a component or to fill their shopping cart and purchase online.

However, your visitors are often at the stage where they want to compare products and need the help of an expert (or your company’s expertise) to move towards a final purchasing decision.

In short, your visitors need help to make their purchasing decision.

Using a chat feature on your technical-presentation pages is a good way to provide your expert advice.

Your visitors need expert assistance, and thanks to this type of chat function you can provide the information they need when they need it most.


3. Encourage your visitors to fill out your contact forms

To generate leads, visitors to your web site must leave their contact details.

To achieve this, you must provide them with a contact form.

Note: there should be just one form which only proposes an initial contact.

As component manufacturers, you must provide several contact points on your website to increase the number of leads generated.

You have to propose premium content offers.

Premium content is downloadable content on your site that brings added value to your prospects.

For example, a computer-graphic presentation about industrial automation or a study about Industry 4.0 are subjects that will enable you to obtain contact details, and therefore leads, through your website.


Talk to one of our experts about how to generate leads through your website. Get a free audit now!

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Об авторе

Samson Simonian
Samson Simonian

Regional Partner, TraceParts

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