
4 tips to ensure the launch of your product catalog is a success

To launch a new product catalog is a major challenge for component manufacturers.

So, how do you avoid making any mistakes?

In this article we will see that the industrial buyer has changed. So we have to adapt.

Finally, I will lead you to ask yourself some questions about your current strategy.

These 4 fundamental principles will help you to successfully launch your component catalogue.


1. Understand the expectations of industrial buyers

To ensure the successful launch of your component catalog, it is crucial to anticipate the expectations and behavior of industrial buyers and designers.

Buyers now prefer to prepare their purchasing online, on their own and at their own pace.

Designers will spend several hours researching certified CAD models online.

The successful launch of your component catalog inevitably involves having a strong online profile and making your components available in the right CAD formats.


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2. Conduct an in-depth market analysis

To ensure the launch of your components catalog is a success, it is equally important to understand your competitors.

What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? How do they promote their component catalogs?

Analyzing your market will not only allow you to build a coherent offer but will also allow you to save time by identifying effective and ineffective communication methods.

To do this, start by surveying your competitors and creating a reference base of their offers, their product positioning and their communication strategy.

3. Identify the right distribution channels

Here, we need to identify the distribution channels most suited to the expectations and behavior of industrial buyers.

As component manufacturers, different distribution channels are available for your product catalog.

Naturally, there is your website.

Your website allows you to be referenced by search engines and to promote your component catalog.

You can also use specialist reviews and social networks to attract the attention of industrial buyers. Newsletters and emailing are also important tools.

Finally, you can also buy publicity space such as advertising banners or sponsored articles on websites, since their target audiences are qualified.

4. Communicate in advance about your launch

Too many component manufacturers start their communication after the launch of their component catalog.

Unfortunately, marketing and communication is time consuming and results are not always forthcoming.

To successfully launch your industrial component catalog, it is crucial to start communicating as soon as possible.

With this in mind, start thinking now about your strategy and get started straight away!

You should already determine which tools to use and the type of content you are going to publish.

You can also use teasers to create interest around the launch of your new component catalog.


Many other tips for successfully launching a component catalog are available in this guide:


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About the Author


TraceParts is one of the world’s leading CAD-content platforms for Engineering, Industrial Equipment and Machine Design. TraceParts brings highly targeted Lead Generation marketing services to hundreds of customers of all sizes and from all industries, via powerful cloud-based API and SaaS applications such as 3D part libraries, product catalogs and configurators.

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