
Users management” allows the catalog administrator to define who can access the Smart-Publishing as well as assigning anyone to group(s) corresponding to their needs.

Table of content


  1. Connect to
  2. Log in
  3. If prompted, select the company for which you wish to use the Smart-Publishing service with
  4. Access “Users Management
    1. From the menu “Publish your products
    2. Select “Users Management



Users Management” is made of one page:

  1. Search engine of the “All users” list
  2. All users list
  3. Reset password button
  4. Delete user button
  5. Add user button
  6. All users page browser
  7. List of users groups
  8. Move user to group button
  9. Remove user from group button
  10. Group members search engine
  11. Group members list
  12. Group members list page browser


Search among all existing users

  1. Enter a criterion in the “All users” search engine (1),
  2. The content of the list is automatically filtered as soon as you start typing a criterion,
  3. Done.

Note: the search will return users whose emails contain the search criterion.

Search among the members of a given group

  • In the group list (7), select the group to search into
  • Enter a search criterion in the search engine (10)
  • The content of the list is automatically filtered as soon as you start typing a criterion. Note: the search will return users whose emails contain the search criteria.
  • Done.

Reset a user password

  • Select the user(s) whose password(s) need to be reset

In the all users list, search and select one (or more) user(s) to reset his/their password(s) by clicking the checkbox located before their emails.

  • Reset the password(s) of the selected user(s)

To do so, click the button (3).

  • The system reset the password(s) and send a notification to each of the selected user(s)

When done, a message will be displayed to you to confirm that the process as successfully ended.

Delete a user

  • Select the user(s) to be deleted,

In the “All users” list, seach and select one (or more) user(s)

  • Delete the selected user(s),

To do so, click the delete button (4)

  • Confirm the deletion request,

  • Done.

Add User

  • Click the “Create a new user account” button (5)

The button is in the “All users” list’s header

  • Define the user

To do so, just fill the dialog box:

Note: The user must belong to at least one group, and can be part of several.

  • Confirm the creation.

Click “OK”  (or click the closing cross to cancel the creation).

Edit user


Move user(s) into group(s)

A group defines the Smart-publishing’s features that its members can access.

  • Administrator: All features can be accessed
  • Publisher: All features but “Users management” can be accessed
  • Read-Only users: the members of this group can only view Smart-publishing content.


  • A user must belong to at least one group to gain access
  • A user can belong to several groups.
    • To add a user in several group, repeat the steps below for each group where the user must be moved into.


  1. Select user(s) in the all users list
  2. Select the target group to move/ remove the selected user(s) into/from
    1. Click the down arrow button (8) to move the users to the group
    2. or
    3. click the down arrow button (9) to move the users out of the group
  3. The user(s) will be (re)moved to the selected group.